
The Waterbike is a stationary, interactive Watertoy® which is actuated by pedalling. As the pedals are turned the nozzle squirts a pulse of water. The operator can aim the turret up and down and side to side. The unit does not require a piped-in waterfeed and contains its own pump which draws from the pool.

Waterbikes are suitable for new pool or retrofit installation with water depths of 8 inches (20 cm) to 12 inches (30 cm) by simply bolting to the pool slab. No elaborate footings or embedded anchors are required.

Installation Details
The Waterbike T201 has no piped in water feed and the unit has a self contained pump which simply draws from the pool at the base above the flange.
After the pool slab is complete, the equipment is easily installed by simply setting the unit in place and marking the anchor positions. Holes are drilled and anchors are completed. A flange cove is installed to cover the bolts and create a neat, safe installation. The unit is ready to go!

Width: 43"
Height: 37"
Flow: 2 gpm
Spray: 20'