Keilana 250 Clear Bottom Inflatable Boat

Prepare to explore the myriad of life forms that thrive in theWorld's magnificent ocean. Embark on a Coral ReefAdventure that is so vivid, vast, and colorful that you can'thelp but be astonished by its visual splendor. IntroducingJoy; ecstasy; a spiritual high: these words describe theexhilaration that is the Keilana experience. The hull isconstructed out of a durable hi-tenacity military gradeTarpaulin material with a deck made out of next generationHyper Dispersion Fiber Inflatable Flooring. 2-piece oars,bench seating, & foot pump come standard. As an optionyou can add the patented Shock Absorbant Hyper DispersionFiber Inflatable Seating Cushions. Keilana, the mostfun you'll ever have while staying dry and exploring thedeep blue.


Patented Technology
Clearblue Polycarbonate Viewing Panel
Hi-Tenacity Military Grade Tarpaulin Hull
Shock Absorbent Hyper Dispersion Fiber InflatableSeating
Up to 6 hp Compatible
Up to 3 passengers
Portable Compact Storage